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I am gay

hi Gummypopcat.. this was the perfect asset for my game thanks and great work take a look!

Very Good!

(1 edit)

hello Awesome work, but can you do for ( NE, SE, SE, SW ) ?

And THANK YOU for your work .

where can i find tons of  this sprites? iam making a game and cant find any sprites for enemyes

You can find here on, but maybe you'll only find in bundles, i'm thinking on maybe make other types of top down assets, but for now is just this.

okay!  if you ll make some  NPC  sprites that match  whit this tiles :

ill probably buy everythink 

hm, i see here that they are 16x16 size, is fine by me, i just dont know if the style of my characters will match with the style of this pack(if you are using it), i'm planning on make a top down npc pack, so if you're interested, you can follow me and get notified when i'm done!

sure  i keep my eye on your work !

Awesome prame! Could I use this to my commercial project?

Sure! And Thanks!